Polyphony is a short story anthology series, in the direction of “interstitial” or “slipstream” writing (“literary with a genre sensibility” being the “least elegant but most descriptive” phrase according to the introduction to volume 4). I own two volumes (3 and 4) and they have good stuff by good people inside.

It turns out that Wheatland Press are struggling, and I mean really struggling. To the tune of setting a three-month deadline to get 225 preorders on the next Polyphony (volume 7), and getting just over half that.

There’s a heartbreaking LJ post about the numbers: four times as many submissions as preorders. That’s quite a gap.

Given the publicity this last gasp is getting (I found out via tor.com), I’m hoping they may still fill the quota before Deborah Layne gives up in total disgust. I’ve ordered one Polyphony 7; maybe you feel moved to do the same.