More fun
The social bookmarking engine has added a cute new feature: tagging for other people. If you tag your bookmark for:tikitu
, it will magically appear in a private part of my account, which I’m sucking up as an RSS feed. Anyone else doing this? (Robin, Robert, I’m looking at you guys in particular.) Seems a pretty good replacement for mailing links.
Until the evil spambots figure it out, anyway.
Update: So I just received my first link, which raises an interesting question: How do I say Thank You? If I mail the dude, we might as well have used email for the entire exchange. On the other hand it seems somehow churlish to just absorb this thoughtful gesture without any comment at all. I’ve settled for adding the page to my own, and crediting the source in the extended comment. Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter? Or am I the only one devoting any worry time to this? Probably the latter.