About some games
Winter is coming, and I have to admit I’ve been playing computer games. Specifically, I’ve got myself hooked on SpaceChem. It’s a somewhat odd addiction for a programmer, since playing this game is in many ways very like algorithm design, but it definitely tickles me.
Until recently you could decide your own price for SpaceChem and a bunch of other games, with the Humble Voxatron Debut (Humble Indie Bundle number umpteen), but now the sale is finished so you can’t any more. You can get it for $10 on their site (Mac/PC/Linux) or on Steam or Playism. Or if you have an iPad, it’s only $6.
I envy iPad-owners immensely on the gaming front. SpaceChem would be lovely with a drag-around interface.1 So would World of Goo (and yes you can).
Osmos is another gorgeous game that seems perfectly suited to the touchscreen. It’s available for iPad; it will be on Android… someday.2
And finally, there’s a new release coming “early 2012”, from the makers of Machinarium and the two Samarost games: Botanicula. It looks as quirky as their earlier games, and features some extremely beautiful design. I’m excited for it.