Olga has pointed me at another interesting analysis of the situation in Greece: Seven Myths about the Greek Debt Crisis by Stergios Skaperdas. Like the last time I weighed in on the subject, I can’t properly evaluate the economic arguments and I catch a strong whiff of bias (the section arguing that the public sector is not especially corrupt is particularly weak). But as an unrepentant ex-game-theorist I found the comments on who is gaining and losing from the current situation extremely interesting (as well as the discussion of the bargaining power that Greece has, but has not been using).

Most fascinating of all, though, is the fact that (apparently) nobody in Greece is seriously investigating the option of leaving the euro. Surely this is something that has to be looked at carefully, even if only to establish for sure that it’s not the right option? And it only takes a moment’s thought to see that there’s no way the Greeks could trust the IMF or the various other external groups involved to make such an analysis: while I certainly can’t tell if Skaperdas is right in saying that defaulting and leaving the euro is the best option for Greece, it would clearly involve a huge amount of damage to her creditors.

One thing has me absolutely baffled about the Greek political situation. As I understand it there are two major parties, both of which have lost huge amounts of credibility because of their involvement in the crisis. Surely this would be the perfect moment to launch a new political movement, on a radical nationalist platform (“Greece for Greeks, not for Germans and the IMF”) promising to revoke the austerity measures and tell the rest of Europe to go stuff itself. I’m not saying this would be a good thing; in fact it seems a bit like the rise of National Socialism out of the depression and instability of the Weimar Republic. But it seems like a perfect move for short-term political gain (and my internal game-theorist whispers the reminder that short-term gain is what matters in electoral politics). So why isn’t anyone doing it?