I use an app on my phone as an alarm clock. It’s got all sorts of features, including repeating alarms: Monday through Friday it rings at the same time each morning, on the weekend it lets me rest.1

There’s one feature it’s missing though: skip the next alarm.

Because of my jetlag I’m waking up __before my alarm at the moment.2 Invariably the damn alarm goes off halfway through a sun salutation. But if I turn it __off, odds are I’ll forget to turn it on again and __that will be the morning the jetlag wears off.

So how about it, Clockmakers Guild?3


  1. I know, this isn’t rocket science. []
  2. Damn near unheard of in this boy’s life, I can tell you! []
  3. Topic for next post: should that have an apostrophe, and if so where? Sponts, you have the floor. []