If you snoop around enough on this site, or if I ever proofread anything for you, you’ll notice that I’m a bit of a typography geek. Entirely non-professionally and in my free time, but still, the affinity is there.

So you might expect that I might know some other typography geeks. And in fact I do: two folk who actually make fonts, as part of their professional activities.

The funny thing is, typography has nothing to do with how I know these guys. George Triantafyllakos is an old friend of Olga’s, we hang out and discuss comics when we’re in Thessaloniki. And Donald Roos has joined forces with some Amsterdam friends of mine for a cookery club — yours truly has volunteered for the demanding task of “Quality Evaluation”, a.k.a. “the eating bit”.

If you read Dutch, check out the Koninklijke Nederlandse Bitter Bal Bond (“Bij het officiele bitterbalwerpen dienen de volgende regels in acht te worden genomen:”…). My favourite piece of George’s work doesn’t have a link, but on his design page open the “Selected posters” tab and click the head wearing sunglasses against a yellow background. Powerful.