I’ve moved in! Come visit me!
According to Google Earth (which is wicked fun, btw, try it if you haven’t!), I’m now living at 52°23’04.67” N, 4°54’26.31” E.
So actually I haven’t completely moved in. I cycled a backpack of clothes, my papers for work and my guitar there, but my books, toolbox, bongos, sewing machine &c. &c. are still in the old place. The plan is to hire a bakfiets and pretend I’m Dutch for a weekend. Anyone else need help moving stuff? Next weekend?
I followed your directions but that still leaves some uncertainty so:
And houseboat, that's awesome.
"Or here" is the one you want. The white thingy on the bottom is the balcony. Planning to swim over and visit?
Hm, interesting: the coordinates on quikmaps are different by about 30 minutes each way. I guess the level of precision in the post was excessive.
Well, I need a task after I complete the PhD.
Hmm, I spotted the potentials via your coordinates in google maps, then refound that location in quikmaps, looking for the correct roads, not the exact coordinates. Suggests quikmaps is out.
Interesting. There's probably a policy statement on accuracy somewhere. Now if I wasn't a lazy sumbitch...