Please welcome into the world Yannos Nikau de Jager!

Yannos Nikau

Born 7/7/2015 (three weeks early), weighing 2650g and 48cm short. Since then he’s put on quite a lot of weight (a kilo in his first three weeks!) but has not yet learned to walk, read, or juggle.

This announcement was somewhat delayed because1 we’ve been searching for the right name. We think we’ve found it, but of course only time will tell: the proof of the pudding will be shouting “Yannos Nikau Manolis Manu get out of bed you’ll miss your schoolbus”, but by then it’s too late to change if we made any mistakes. This choice at least has made various Greek family members very happy, which is nice to be responsible for.


  1. A truer statement would be “because I am slack”. []