Today, after returning from New Zealand, Manu’s lifetime average speed is 6.5km/hr.

That’s likely the highest it will ever reach in his life, unless he’s lucky enough to get off-planet or unlucky enough to become an inter-continental commuter:1 a round trip from Greece to New Zealand is pretty nearly the furthest you can travel on Earth (without making extra loops), and one such trip per year is worth a bit over 4km/hr towards the L.A.S. His average speed is higher than that partly because that’s not the only trip he made this year, but mainly because he’s not even one year old yet.2

According to wikipedia, human walking speed is typically about 5km/hr. This is rather mind-boggling: if Manu had been walking since the day he was born, every hour of every day, he would only just have got to New Zealand and back,3 let alone the other trips inside Greece and to Sweden and The Netherlands that he’s made.

It’s even more impressive given that he only learned to crawl last month.


  1. I know a bloke who moved from New Zealand to England, with his family, among other reasons to follow a job prospect. He promptly got work… in Australia. []
  2. He’s travelled 49 thousand kilometres so far, of which 37 thousand are just getting to New Zealand and back. []
  3. Assuming he, rather pointlessly, took the same route from airport to airport that we did. Also assuming some kind of floatation device, I suppose. []