A particularly lovely map
I’ve been reading How to Lie with Maps, a proofreading payment (thanks Gideon!). Given the potential of the subject it’s disappointingly dry, but it did point me to a particularly lovely map.
It seems that the Department of Natural Resources of the state of Utah has an especially thorough mapping unit. They produce 1:24000 scale “quadrangle” maps that completely cover the state… including the middle of the Great Salt Lake. I’ve become rather enamoured of the Rozel Point SW quadrangle. In fact, I’d like to frame it and hang it on my wall.
The Utah Department of Natural Resources in fact sells their 1:24000 maps via the website (including Rozel Point SW). Disappointingly, though, they don’t give any options for international shipping. I wrote an email to enquire, but have received no response.
Two means they're collectable! I shall see if I can track it down. (In the meantime I have managed to find a mule willing to export Rozel Point SW for me; I should have it in January.)
When I worked at George Philip in Long Acre, the people in the Aeronautical section in the basement had a very large scale OS sheet pinned to the wall which showed nothing but grid lines, the conventional symbol for marsh and maybe a spot height. I think it was somewhere in Dartmoor.