Amarok: recently added
Here’s another beautiful secret feature of the amazing Amarok music player: flexible “recently added” search.
There’s a “Recently Added Albums” widget that shows five albums, but I usually add more than that in a batch (I only synchronise between my two computers every now and then) so it’s not so useful for me. But a KDE community forums post tells me that putting added:<1week
in the search bar will have the obvious effect. That is bloody awesome.
Also, I’ve just discovered how to randomise the current playlist: “Add a playlist sorting level” (the funny little icon above-left of the playlist itself), “Random”. That’s a killer feature.1
As if that’s not enough: the latest release apparently adds “labels”2 which I’ve been hankering after since pretty much forever.3
Amarok devs: you rock.
- It’s not shuffle: it resorts the current playlist in random order, so you can make your own adjustments as you like. I wonder how it handles appends? [↪]
- Tags, in the sense of “tagcloud”, except they apparently already use that term for track metadata. [↪]
- After five minutes tinkering, I haven’t yet figured out how to use the labels I’ve set, in collection filtering or in dynamic playlists, but I presume I’ll get it sorted eventually. [↪]