Fair warning: this post will make absolutely no sense to anyone who thinks creationism is as dead as it should be.1 In the US it’s alive and well and trying to get itself into school curricula. PZ Myers writes a lot about it; it’s horrifying but often horribly funny.

Yesterday he quoted an Intelligent Design blog (ID is creationism without owning up to it):

Darwinian evolutionary theory is a boiling, ever-changing, amorphous cloud that is impenetrable and completely immune to critical analytical scrutiny. It was designed that way, for obvious reasons.

Myers’ reply:

That’s an amazing glimpse into the creationist mindset — apparently, they see design everywhere. Evolutionary theory was not designed. It evolved.

From the off-hand way it’s thrown out there, I even wonder if he realises what he’s said.


  1. Also, you’ll have to find ‘meta’ funny. Yeah, that rules out all three of you, I know. []