The bird that baas
On my way to work this morning, I heard a sheep bleating. A bit surprising, in the centre of Amsterdam, and especially when it seemed to be coming from a canal… Turned out to be this little guy:

Fuut (Great Crested Grebe), slightly out of focus
I think he had a fish when I first saw him, I suppose he might have been calling to his young? In any case nobody turned up, and he stopped baaing after a while and ate it himself.
I wouldn't know, but it had a fish and it definitely looked to me like it was calling attention to it. (It's the only noise I've ever heard one make too. Funny sound for such an aristocratic-looking beasty.)
Nice one! I have seen many a Great Crested Grebe but never heard one make a noise. Heather & Robertson claims they only call when mating, but late July seems a bit late for that.