I got an out-of-the-ordinary eMusic newsletter this month. It looks perfectly professional (although slightly different to the usual ones), but it’s from an address at emusic.chtah.com (the usual newsletters come from edmailbox.emusic.com).

I’m quite sure the company eMusic owns the domain emusic.com, but anyone at all could register chtah.com and add a subdomain called emusic. If this is really the new eMu mailing system then they should be slapped about for encouraging their users to ignore all reasonable security precautions.

(How did I notice? I whitelist: any mail from an address I haven’t previously confirmed goes into a separate folder and gets looked at suspiciously. Double-suspiciously when it purports to come from somebody I know I have already whitelisted.)

If it’s not them, though, then I’m worried. Because the mail looks perfectly legitimate, properly punctuated and in fact it’s an html email in pretty good eMu style. That’s professional work. It addresses me by the name eMu knows me by, which could be a lucky guess but at least means it’s either personalised by hand or run off a smarter database than just crawling my homepage and scraping names-and-addresses.

I’ve sent a mail to the eMu folk, but their “Contact Me” form doesn’t fill me with confidence. In the meantime, if anyone knows more about the issue I’d be glad to hear it.