I’ve been looking again at the iLiad1 ebook reader, and it just keeps looking better and better.

You can get shell access. You can make notes onscreen. There are LaTeX users using it, posting style files, and they’ve been added to the downloads page. It weighs about the same as a medium-sized banana.2

The only thing really standing in my way is the price: €649. That’s a one-way trip to New Zealand, two return tickets to Greece, a pretty good rowboat, or a second-hand mandocello, in more concrete terms.

I wonder how long it would take me to accumulate 650 euro worth of printing, and whether the university would be willing to revoke my printing account and buy me one of these babies instead?


  1. When I thought the name was “Iliad” I could almost take it seriously, but the lowercase i is just a joke. []
  2. Thanks to Sam C in the Valve comment thread that got me going on this for pointing to that review. []