Oops. “I’ll just pop in and see if they have any Lucius Shepard” doesn’t work at the Book Exchange (Kloveniersburgwal, loads and loads of English-language secondhand, good sf section, highly recommended).

Last week’s Primo Levi (The Periodic Table) has started me on a Levi kick: Moments of Reprieve, Other People’s Trades and his Auschwitz memoirs If This is a Man and The Truce.

I was looking for If This is a Man but didn’t find it, until Mr Stone the proprietor saw the other two and asked if I’d read it. It turns out that the wall that I walk past every time I visit, heading to the fiction room out back, contains both hardback fiction and good sellers — lots of stuff I’ve been looking for, in fact. I was very restrained, but on the advice of haunted-library I picked up the Annotated Lolita (alas, they still don’t have Speak, Memory).