Geek insomnia
Ok, so having a laptop sometimes isn’t a bonus.
Obviously if I go to bed too late, I don’t get enough sleep. But also if I go to bed too early, I end up staring at the ceiling for hours and … don’t get enough sleep. So the trick is to hit bed early, but to read something soporific for an hour or so. Unfortunately with a laptop, I’ve got the internet in bed with me.
Who would have thought that Monads could keep me awake and interested for three hours?
(Btw: if you’ve struggled with ’em, that tutorial is highly recommended. And of course a functional language needs a higher-order tutorial, which is how I found the one that kept me awake.)
Ha, so *that*'s how it works! So if *I* write a tutorial on Monads, I'll be able to sleep, right? And some other poor sod will be up all night wondering why none of the sample code even type-checks, let alone does what it's supposed to...
That's my insomnia you have there. If I have something buzzing in my mind it'll keep me awake all night long. The solution is to write it out and then I can forget about it. Unfortunately, you read what I wrote, so you got my insomnia. :-)